Thursday, November 21, 2019

Traffic Gridlock in New York Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Traffic Gridlock in New York - Essay Example This letter will begin with the statement that as the traffic gridlock in New York continues to bring the city to a grinding halt every single day of the week, Mayor Bloomberg has done his best to try to solve the traffic situation. One of his traffic easement programs includes the building of more bicycle lanes in our city. There are currently 255 miles of additional bike lanes around the city. But it is little used because native New Yorkers are not aware of the bike lane program of the city. The researcher tells that he cannot help but feels saddened by the fact that New Yorkers continue to face daily gridlocks that adversely affect the local economy. The author feels even worse when he realizes that no amount of government programs will be able to help ease the situation because the government lacks the advertising and promotional skills to make sure that their bicycle programs get out the most number of New Yorkers. Although 66 percent of New Yorkers believe that the bicycle lan e is a good idea. It appears that not everyone in New York owns a bicycle. That is why the researcher was more than happy to learn about the Paris style Bike sharing network that the city is working towards implementing. Under the bike sharing network, even people who do not own a bicycle can participate by simply â€Å"renting† a bicycle at specific points within the city and then parking it at a similar terminal at their point of destination. With all of New York reeling under the rising costs of gasoline, the bike sharing idea does not sound like a bad thing.

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