Friday, January 10, 2020

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Thesis Writing Essay

1.1 Background of the Study An elementary school or primary school is an institution where children receive the first stage of academic learning known as elementary or primary education. In most countries, it is compulsory for children to receive proper education although it is permissible for parents to provide it. The major goals of education are achieving basic literacy and numeracy amongst all pupils, as well as establishing foundations in science, mathematics, geography, history and other social sciences. ( The education system of the Philippines includes formal and non-formal education. Compared to other Asian countries, the Philippine education system differs in a number of ways. Basic education in the Philippines is only 10 years as against 12 in other countries. The Philippine education system is closely related to the American system of formal education while other Asian countries are influenced by the English, French or Dutch system. The Philippines is using a bilingual medium of instruction. Certain subjects are taught in English and the rest in the national language which is Filipino. However, since June 4, 2012, DepEd started to implement the new K-12 educational system, which includes the new curricula for all schools. In this system, education is now compulsory. K-12 means â€Å"Kindergarten and the 12 years of elementary and secondary education.† Kindergarten points to the 5-year old child who undertakes the standardized curriculum for preschoolers. Elementary education refers to 6 years of primary school (Grades 1-6) while secondary education means four years of junior high school (Grades 7-10 or HS Year 1-4). In addition to this, two years are now allotted for senior high school (Grades 11-12 or HS Year 5-6). Northside Christian Academy is one of the well-known Christian elementary schools in Bacolod City. It can be located at They provide good teaching aid and services for pupils in elementary. Through the dream and aspiration of the founders of the school, it became into existence. The researcher chose it as her course study because as an institution that offers needs for pupils, it should also provide an attractive, functional, stable and green environment for the children to learn and to be educated. The school had been there for almost 2 decades but the school hasn’t changed much since then. It needs proper planning of the spaces, ventilation and a stable design that would fit for an elementary school. As a student designer, working to aim this goal will achieve to answer the stated problems through gathering data, analyzing and planning. This proposed study does not only provide for their children’s care but also a workable environment for the teachers and also for other working facilities and parents. It could accommodate a space where in they can be comfortable and relaxed and a space where each unit has its function of its services. This would affect a better development of the school and also it will benefit to them to receive more credits and many visits from new visitors and enrollees. 1.2 Statement of the Problem Parents know what’s best for their children. They want their children to send them to school because it is their learning experience with teachers and having groups of friends. It’s an opportunity to learn to share, follow instructions and begin learning that will occur in a school. But sometimes parents have their common worries about the space being uncomfortable get intimidated by the institutional ambience of the schools which sometimes children would usually get scared of entering or left there. In creating an interior environment of the proposed, the researcher will aim for a functional, stable, attractive, and organized space for the parents to bring their children by seeking answers to the following questions during the course study: 1. Considering the design standards, what will be the appropriate interior design concept for the school? 2. What will be the color schemes that will give the school’s students and teachers a more effective and comfortable environment for education? 3. What will be the proper interior treatment and finishing material for the following? 3. a. Furniture 3. b. Floor 3. c. Ceiling 3. d. Walls 3. e. Lighting 4. What are the additional changes needed to pay attention as a researcher? 5. What is the proper lighting plan for the school offices and classrooms? 1.3 Theoretical Framework The concept planning for the improvement of the interior environment of Northside Christian Academy is to study the given spaces and conduct a research towards redesigning and improving the school’s interior by getting sources of inspiration out of other concepts and abiding to its design principles which can be suited. For the users’ benefit, the proponent is trying to create a design that considers, creative aesthetics, functional, stable and organized environment. This would enhance the school’s working environment for both students and teachers and staff. Before the proponent plans out the concept, she first gathered some of her sources. There is no perfect classroom design. However, Lippman (2002, 2003) in his study of schools mentions that providing a variety of spaces within a classroom supports student-teacher / child-adult relationships. With the understanding that schools are learning centers for development, and building on his research findings, Franklin (2008) recognized that non-traditional, modern learning environments could encourage students to fully participate in activities with others as they acquire knowledge for themselves. He then developed the following criteria for the modern classroom: †¢ The classroom layout should have the amount of space a child will need varies with the activity, such as reading, writing, working or simply listening. Therefore, the plan has to be able to accommodate instruction, experimentation, or group related activities. †¢ It has to accommodate the formation and functioning of small learning groups while providing a sense of separation, because groups working together will experience distractions and non-productive interaction. †¢ It has to be flexible enough to allow the continual reorganization of the whole class into various sizes and number of small learning groups. This means the space must be as free as possible of permanent obstructions. †¢ It has to be manageable by a single teacher who has command of the entire space. This means the space must be compact and open (Dyck 1994) In terms of school design, connection, on one hand, involves pathways between spaces within the school building. In this case, safe, easy movement and allowing surveillance are three basic requirements. On the other hand, connections also refer to the allowance of school and community functions to be integrated into a cohesive network of closely adjacent facilities, creating an involvement and awareness of the educational process. Circulation such as hallways and corridors are a costly percentage of a school building. The circulation provision has to create gentle transitions from different spaces, taking advantage of turns and bends to create unique areas of learning. Conversely, for issues of safety, circulation paths also need to ensure supervision by, not only administrators, but also students, teachers and parents. Poorly designed circulation can make movement around the building difficult and even facilitate bullying. It is not just a corridor. It is a critical dimension where good design can make a real difference to spatial quality. Lying behind the detail of design elements for general and particular needs there is also a recurrent theme around the general level of stimulation that is appropriate for given situations. In broad terms this may vary from buildings designed for relaxation, such as, homes, to those designed to stimulate, such as theatres, but also variation will be appropriate within buildings. So in a school, classrooms may need a different approach from assembly areas. Children of kindergarten through elementary-school ages are mostly extroverted by nature. A warm, bright color scheme complements this tendency, thereby re- ducing tension, nervousness, and anxiety; color may be light salmon, soft, warm yellow, pale yellow-orange, coral and peach. Colors of opposite temperature should also be introduced as accents. Under no circumstances should it be believed that by pinning drawings, cartoons or the like on the wall, the child’s need for changes in hue, color intensity, and lightness, is satisfied, or that it will reduce a monotonous room experience. 4. Significance of the Study A. To the Students This newly planned, functional and sustainable interior environment of Northside Christian Academy will be beneficial for the students. It presents that for a small institution; it will be a place of comfort and created to enrich their minds with the use of the interior design, conducive for effective learning. B. To the Parents This proposed interior space will be improved and at the same time will be the suitable design for their children’s environment. To create a second home for their children that will always bring them to comfort and safety. C. To the Principal, Teachers and Working personnel It will help the school’s interior to be improved and at the same time to present a good working environment for them. Creating a safe place will bring them to the warmth of home and belongingness. And also to which it will be beneficial for their interaction with the children. D. To the Proponent As the proponent, this study is significant for me to learn in enhancing my skills, to utilize my knowledge for research and to share my ideas to those who will benefit. And a stepping stone for me to achieve what I want by applying this project as my experience for me.

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