Saturday, August 22, 2020

Vietnam war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Vietnam war - Essay Example The North Vietnamese powers were bolstered by the Soviet Union by sending military supplies through its own intermediary, socialist China. The South Vietnamese were at first upheld by the Americans by sending its military guides yet in the end the Americans engaged in the war by battling straightforwardly themselves. The main driver of the Vietnam War is the American confidence in the â€Å"domino theory† chain response which places that socialism was spreading in Southeast Asia and soon the nations in the area will fall into the socialist alliance if America won't intercede strongly to stop it.1 The consequence of the Vietnam War was unfriendly for the United States of America as it lost in a war battled on military footing which was battled generally as a non-ordinary or guerrilla war. It denoted the decrease of American superpower status as it was vanquished by an underdeveloped nation. America entered an independent and conservative period as there was a solid enemy of war popular conclusion or slant against beginning new wars that cost a large number of American lives in remote lands.2 by and large, the Vietnam War made Americans careful about military adventurism

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