Friday, May 1, 2020

Early childhood educators free essay sample

When and Where? Identify historical issues and current trends in the early childhood care profession. Share an example of how the theorists work is used today. Rousseau Rousseau was the author of several education books; he proposed that children be educated in moral, harmonious environments free from adult dominance (Follari, 2011). Rousseau was influential in both Europe and America in the mid to late 1700s. Rousseau emphasized out of the home schooling and viewed children as innately good. Rousseau reduced the importance of learning by reading and emphasized learning by experience. An example of his work is seen today as children learn through play. Pestalozzi Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi published a book in 1801 that helped influence the development of seeing his theories put into action. The Pestalozzi method was put into practice in 1805 at his school in Yverdon Oohann, n. d. ) Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi was an education reformer who was very passionate about getting education to poor children and teaching methods designed to strengthen the students own abilities. We will write a custom essay sample on Early childhood educators or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He work can be seen through field trips, puzzles, blocks, and physical exercise. Froebel Froebel made Kindergarten spread like wildfire through Europe and eventually to the U. S. He created what is known as Froebel gifts. He designed balls, wooden block, tiles, sticks, and rings to demonstrate that children could learn while at play (Follari, 2011). Froebel based his beliefs in teaching children on rationalism. He thought children could gain knowledge by logically thinking through concepts from a given premise. He started by giving his gifts and having the children work through them (Follari, 2011). An example of Froebels work can been seen through Kindergarten (Follari, 011). Peabody Elizabeth Peabody opened the first English speaking kindergarten in Boston, MA in 1859(Follari, 2011). She also created the American Froebel Society to provide some regulations and originality of kindergarten programs. (Follari, 2011). Elizabeth Peabody was against the hands-on objects method of instruction. She liked individualized instruction instead. She thought children needed careful direction to develop properly

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