Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Unit 9 values and planning free essay sample

In this part of this assignment I will be Explaining, values and planning when organising holistic planning for service users. I will be reviewing the benefit to individuals and professional staff, of taking holistic approach to planning support, to do this I will be using to case studies. My first case study is about Sam, a 74 year old widower who is a strict vegetarian and a diabetic. He had a stroke two days ago and is leaving hospital at the end of the week. He is paralysed down the right side of his body. My second case study is about Gina, a 25 year old who was admitted to accident and emergency when she was round on the side of the road in extreme pain. Gina can’t speak English and has a broken pelvis and leg. The promotion of choice is very important principle when providing holistic support. Sam is a widower and is probably used to looking after himself and being independent. He must be asked about different aspects of his care. When looking at his dietary needs, he may want a choice on what type of diabetic food he wants, as well as catering for his vegetarian needs. His speech has also been affected and he may need to be listened to more carefully when being asked about things, because Sam’s mobility has also been affected, he needs to supported and cooperated with when he is organising his mobility when he gets home. He should have the choice of who he wants to help build up his strength. Sam is also going to need a carer when he gets back home to help him daily things until he has become stronger, he should have a choice on who is taking care of him and what care he wants. The promotion of choice is enabling the service user’s choices and independent to be put at the centre, they can almost organise most of their care to their wishes, for example a service user will be able to choose their food from the menu than not knowing what they are going to eat, whether they have dietary needs or not; where as they might not be able to choose who is treating them, because there might be a shortage of staff. It is important that we do not d iscriminate (Anti- discriminative practice). Gina who is 25 years old cannot speak English. We must not stereotype her because she can’t speak English. A translator should be organised as soon as it is possible so Gina’s care can be as holistic as it can. A translator will enable the service user to work with the care to staff so she can organise her care. It will also help when she is being asked questions about personal information. If Gina has any specific cultural or religious needs this also needs to be taken note of. An anti discriminative practice is important when providing holistic support because it makes the certain service user feel safe and secure; they also get the choice in what care they want. The service user doesn’t have to worry about what the staff thinks of them. Their care and health is at the centre When planning holistic support it is important to make sure that the service user’s confidentiality is made a main priority. For both Sam and Gina, most services users would be unhappy if they found out that their personal information was open. Sam and Gina should be able to choose and meet carers beforehand so that they can trust them fully. This enables their information to be kept confidential without much hesitation. Personal beliefs and morals must be respected when providing holistic supports to a service user. Sam is a strict vegetarian and should be able to choose what type of food he would like. A lot of meat contains protein, so Sam would need to make sure he is being given a healthy alternative If this is not catered for he may also feel discriminated against; he may not be happy with the care he is being given. Gina is from another country and may have different moral and cultural beliefs (she may not on the other hand) she may feel discriminated against if her needs are not catered for, and this can make service users feel disrespected and not a sense of not being listened to. It is important the moral and beliefs and values are a main factor when supporting service users because, you need to make sure that they can trust and respect you. It also makes their care easier to give because the service user feels safe and understood. It is vital that service users are involved in the planning of their support. Sam probably lives on his own and would probably really appreciate being involved in the planning of his support. It is important that service users can have as many as their wishes met when regarding planning support. With Gina’s language barrier it is important that we make sure that she feels as involved as possible, so we don’t upset or discriminate against her not being able to speak English. it is also vital that service users are involved in their support, so we can meet any needs they may have that aren’t so obvious when first meeting them. The application of relevant principles and values will enable professionals to provide holistic support. Service users must always be put at the centre when providing such care. The application of this enables professionals to offer a safe and secure care service, and makes service users feel like they can trust their carers. Many service users would prefer to be supported by holistic care because it enables them to have their care personalised to them. (M1) I will now be reviewing the benefits to individuals and professional staff, when taking a holistic approach to planning support. I will be using the same case studies, about Sam and Gina to explain and review these ideas. Providing holistic support to service users can have a major effect on the recovery of a service user. Sam is going home at the end of the week and is going to need help with mobility whilst be back at home. Providing holistic support to Sam will enable him to make decisions for himself, this may boost Sam’s self esteem and will enable him to make a swifter recovery. If he can be offered the choice of who is to care for him; by Sam being happy about who is looking after him his recovery will also become a quicker process. This also makes it easier for professional staff to plan his care, and make plans best suited to his needs. For Gina, getting a translator to help with the language barrier can make it easier for both her and professional staff to plan her care. It can make any possible surgery happen sooner if they can get any personal information they may need to plan her care. This benefits all because it means Gina gets the care she needs quicker and staff can provide the care as quickly as possible. Both Sam and Gina are going to need some sort of help with their mobility. If holistic support can be provided from the start of their care, their quality of life can be made to a higher standard. Sam may need adjustments to his home and surrounding environments while recovering to make it easier for him to get around. This will make his life easier and the quality of it too. However Sam will most likely be in a wheelchair as he has a paralysed right side. He may have to go into residential care for a short period of time while he recovers, on the other hand Sam may not be happy with this idea and it must be discussed with him about alternative options to make sure his care and support is of a high standard. This is because he lives on his own and is more likely to need to constant care while he recovers. This will benefit professional staff to, because when giving Sam home care it will be easier for him to move around while he gets back on his feet. Gina is going to need physiotherapy, she is also going to need adjustments to her home and surrounding environment to make the recovery process easier for her too. Gina and Sam will need to be asked about any family members that should be involved in the planning of their care. While putting these service users at the centre, the family can be used to make sure that all needs are met as well. The families are a good source of personal information if the service user forgets to tell professional staff any information that should really be considered when planning their care and support in a holistic way. This benefits both the service user and the professional staff, because the service user can be given the right sort of care, and all needs can be catered for and the staff can make sure that they have all their facts and information right about the service user to make sure that their care is as centered to the service user as much as possible. (D1) In this last part of this assignment I will be analyising the reasons for working with professionals from more than one agency when planning support for individuals. I will also be using the same case studies as previous about Sam and Gina. Gina is going to need help and support from more than one type of agency. She is going to need physiotherapy and surgery. If Gina’s pelvic fracture is serious enough she could be kept on the intensive care unit for a short period of time. The surgery team will probably refer Gina to a physiotherapist, to make the recovery time quicker and to get her back on her feet as soon as possible. Gina’s broken leg may also need surgery and she is going to need crutches for both fractures as well as more physiotherapy. It is important that the both professional members of staff work together to make Gina’s recovery as swift as possible to keep her out of pain. Gina is also not going to be active for several months and is at high risk of blood clots, she is also going to need to be talked to about blood thinning medication to reduce the risk of this. It is important that all members of staff involved in Gina’s care work together or keep in contact incase anything changes in her care plan, or any other problems become relevant. The translator for Gina also needs to be present as well to make sure information between Gina and professional members of staff is being understood properly. This will also affect how much pain she is in, because she may not be able to say how much pain she is in to members of staff. Sam is going to need speech therapy and physiotherapy when he leaves hospital. He may also need help in gaining his cognitive skills back; his mental health may also be affected. Many stroke patients get frustrated and depressed easily and personalities often change, this can be to do with them going from being able to do most things to being very dependant on caring. According to Dr Janet Spradlin, a rehabilitation psychologist at St. Anthony Rehabilitation Center in Oklahoma City. â€Å"Depression is very common after any life-changing health challenge, especially if it means a loss of independence.† Medication staff is going to have to work closely with the Sam and the stroke consultants to make sure any medication that he is put on is safe and doesn’t make him feel any worse than he actually is. This is important to make sure that his recovery is made swifter and his mental state (if affected) isn’t made any worse. With the many physical and mental effects that come with having a stroke; Sam is going to need physiotherapy and speech therapy as quickly as possible, as well as speeding up the recovery process this will make Sam probably feel more confident, which is a great thing when planning holistic support for a service user, because it makes them feel at the centre of all the planning involved. It is vital that all professional members of staff from all different agencies keep in contact with each other in case of any drastic changes in Sam’s health. The more Sam is put in the centre of the planning for his holistic support the better quality of life he is going to have through the recovery period. In conclusion it is important for all professional members of staff to keep in touch while caring for a service user holistically; putting them at the centre; service users find it easier to cooperate and trust certain members of staff, which make it easier for the staff to support and give the care. When providing holistic support to a service user, all agencies involved need to be referring to the service user when providing care, this ensures that all needs are met and the care is easier and more efficient to give. All staff involved and service users are made happy by this.

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